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Hi Girls!

Girlspiration is your go-to place for encouragement, confidence, true Girl Power stories and important reminders filled with positivity & love. Being a girl isn't easy sometimes and the pressures can be overwhelming. BUT, here's the great news! You are never alone!! When I was cyber-bullied in middle school I felt alone and wished their had been an organization like Girls Above Society. At age 15, I created and founded Girls Above Society and 13 years later, (SO exciting) I'm still on a mission to give every girl the tools and mentorship needed to become confident, kind and cyber-smart. 

Sometimes we just need our voices to be heard along with a gigantic boost to keep going and focus on the good. I'm covering it all here in Girlspiration. Girl Drama, Friendships, Social Media, Pressures, and the list goes on and on. 

Have an idea or want to hear my thoughts on a certain topic? Connect with us! Your idea/story just might be featured! Click on the Girls Above Society logo at the top of this page. It will re-direct you to our home page. You'll find our contact info at the bottom of the page. We're excited to hear from you!

XOXO Lauren


From - A challenged world is an alert world. Individually, we're all responsible for our own thoughts and actions - all day, every day.

We can all choose to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality. We can all choose to seek out and celebrate women's achievements. Collectively, we can all help create an inclusive world.

From challenge comes change, so let's all #choosetochallenge.

I'm so happy to share some ways you can start today by working on your Girl Power skills so when you are faced with inequality or gender bias as a woman in the workplace, raising children, at home or in school, you'll have the courage to rise up and use your voice for good!

First, let's define challenge. Here's what Merriam Webster says.

:to arouse or stimulate especially by presenting with difficulties

// she wants a job that will challenge her

We all know that girls face some pretty tough pressures. Looking a certain way, acting a certain way, being the best, being the smartest, peer pressures, girl drama, and the list goes on and on. There's a lot of discussion about pressures and how girls are shaped by the media but I think there's a huge missing link about challenges in our conversations. How can challenges benefit today's girls? How do we really see challenges? Good vs Terrible? Let's dive a little deeper because going forward I think you just might change your mindset the next time you're confronted with a challenge!

Example A: You want to be popular so you try to hang out with the girls who are already popular. Problem 1: You don't really feel like you're having fun and the girls don't have much in common with you but you go along with the crowd. Problem 2: You have to decide if being popular rates higher than being genuine with BFF's who don't rank high in popularity.

Example B: No one in your family has big goals except yourself. Problem 1: Your family loves you but they just don't understand the support you need to reach higher. Problem 2: You feel life is easier if you just give up and go along with those you're surrounded with.

Example C: You're 100% geeked out on science and super smart in all classes. Problem 1: You struggle finding genuine/like minded friendships. Problem 2: You tend to overthink everything to the point that you don't get out much anymore.

Example D: You struggle in school and taking exams gives you anxiety. Problem 1: Failing grades on a regular basis makes you feel overwhelmed to the point you stop trying. Problem 2: You feel embarrassed to reach out for help.

ALL OF THE ABOVE SOLUTIONS ARE CHALLENGES! Inner challenges come with a hefty price tag and believe it or not, confidence will help you meet the challenge. Here's where we need to use our "Girl Power" to defeat the challenge once and for all. YOU have to decide to take that very first baby step towards empowerment when we are faced with difficulties. Defeat can seem like it hovers over us, especially when we're in a dark place BUT if you give yourself a chance, you will find the root of your tree has a million branches. Pressures????? Consider it a challenge and nix the negative "noise".

OK so you're wondering HOW right? Here's my authentic approach. I have spent over a decade listening to girls just like yourself. I created a GIRL TALK CURRICULUM that basically gives girls all the tools they need to navigate challenges and pressures. The curriculums are super fun and engaging. The BEST part was the conversations. Conversations create a spark and ignite ideas, support and encouragement. Girls realized (many for the 1st time) that they were not alone and they walked away with some new confidence they had never experienced. One of my challenges is to have GIRL TALK in every school for every girl regardless of race or economic impact. Until then, it's up to all of us to have those important convos.

CHALLENGE: Find someone (family, teacher, neighbor, counselor) or gather some BFF's, and be brave enough to TALK about challenges and pressures. This is so important! And before you even think it, you are never alone! I'm always up for emails and at the bottom of my home page there's a way to connect with me, so no excuses!

Individually, we are all responsible for our own thoughts and actions, all day every day.

Happy IWD to ALL the girls out there! We are the future so let's rise to the challenges together.

Your teacher is passing out graded just received a dreaded F. Panic mode immediately sets in and for the rest of the day you struggle to focus on anything but that F. If you're anything like me, this is a pretty good picture of how it all goes down, especially if this is your very first F. Of course the goal is to never be the recipient of an F but life happens and after all, we're human. The question is this. How do we deal with the F and how can this experience actually be a benefit? I've got a Top 10 Checklist you'll want to save...just in case!

1 - The moment you realize an F is your grade, go ahead and take 5 seconds to let it sink in, then put it aside like you would push the vegetable you hate most aside on your plate. Let it Go for now...we'll circle back to this issue later. This task is easier said than done, trust me! However, if you just do it and focus on the next class or assignment. Be in the moment of what's happening now. Why is this important? If we place all our focus on the F, we miss other key moments that take place in the rest of our day. We can't change the F, we can't rewind the day, and we can't teleport somewhere tropical so we might as well just let it go until we can really deal with the why's. You'll be surprised to find that there can be lots of why's.

2. When you get home from school, take the time to really figure out why you did not do well on the test. How? Keep reading...

3. Can you honestly say you studied enough? Did you go into the test feeling like you knew the material? When you were answering the questions did you feel confident in your answers? If your answer is YES, it's possible you did not truly understand the material. Every teacher teaches differently and I've struggled learning from some but not others. One trick I learned is to take GREAT notes! Take your notes to the teacher and ask how you could have studied better. This is not lame - it's your grade! (More on this info below) Cramming for a test is never a great idea. Go over your notes each day and allow your brain to slowly collect the info and let it sink in. This works!! If your answer was NO and you obviously needed to study more but struggle with good study habits. Phone a friend!! I always loved studying with a friend AND studying by myself. It really helps break up the study times and I have found that my study friends can sometimes understand the material in a different way so we both win!!

4. Did you struggle comprehending during class? I certainly have and it's not uncommon at all. Like I said in section A above, notes are your best friend. Sometimes there are lessons that don't sink in and it feels like you're drowning. When you're feeling this way, don't let it slide...get help asap! The longer you wait, the harder it is to catch up. Ask your teacher if they can take a few minutes to explain the missing pieces. Use the phone a friend trick. There's no shame, I promise. Remember, the goal is meeting a test that seems familiar.

5. You did NOT study. OK, this is totally on you! Lesson for all your exams whether you think you need to or not!

6. You studied your best. You thought you knew the material BUT the test had questions that were not on the study guide or in your great notes. Is this a TRICK? Kinda... You will have times that this happens. Have you ever found yourself walking away from the test questioning where some of the questions came from? Some teachers are a little tricky by re-wording questions and adding questions that might be found in the chapter but wasn't discussed in class. Takeaway lesson: READ the ENTIRE chapter and take your own notes! It's never a waste of time and sometimes can save you from the F.

7. What happened? I knew the material AND I studied!! Sometimes, tests are just hard no matter how well we feel prepared. Ask your teacher what the average grade was in the class. Sometimes everyone, even the smartest in your class bombed the test. This might not change the F but it can bring perspective to the situation.

8. My parents are going to be so MAD! Sometimes, the worst part about failing a test is having to tell your parents. Be honest and talk it out. All parents react different to bad grades and I always feel it's super important to have respectful discussions. If you're having an issue focusing and retaining information in class and you're struggling in the study department, ask for help!! Learning to study can be frustrating and stressful. Having a positive attitude is a great start and if you're reading this blog post it's obvious you care. When you struggle, life sometimes feels like it's piling up around you and closing in. Don't allow this to happen. Reach out to anyone willing to help. I used to make flash cards for all my classes and ask my Mom to quiz me. Super helpful!!

9. F's are Stressful! It's over and done. You've worked towards figuring out the why's and now it's time to look forward. Continuing to stress over it won't help anything. Take time to do something you love. Whether it's a bubble bath, a long walk, exercise or cooking, just do it! Take your mind someplace happy and know that there's always tomorrow to start new. Don't continue to beat yourself's one grade!

10. HELP is on the way! I can't end this without offering some of my fave resources. YouTube can be your new study buddy along with these awesome links. Now, go out there an ace your next exam! You got this - XO

Insta Love 

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